Appendix C
Locally Listed Buildings

Heritage Assets - General
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF June 2019) states that Heritage Assets are an irreplaceable resource and a local planning authority working with the community should ensure they are conserved in a manner appropriate to their significance, thus ensuring the historic environment can be enjoyed, and act as an important contribution to the quality of life of existing and future generations.
This is central to the environmental objectives outlined in the National Planning Policy Framework (June 2019) where achieving sustainable development includes an environmental objective as outlined in §8. (c):
…….to contribute to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment; including making effective use of land…………..
Furthermore, ……. Planning policies and decisions should play an active role in guiding development towards sustainable solutions, but in doing so should take local circumstances into account, to reflect the character, needs and opportunities of each area.
Heritage Assets – Historic England guidelines
Historic England Guidelines (January 2021: Note 7 second edition) recommends that the following factors may be considered:
Cultural Landscapes: heritage assets associated with a significant period in an area’s history
Social History: assets associated with the social history of an area, including intangible aspects of heritage such as traditions and practices, or literary associations
Patterns of Settlement: notable examples of planned or incidental planning including; street plans; characteristic clusters of assets; interrelationship be- tween buildings and open spaces; major infrastructure
Local Figures: assets associated with individuals of local importance including those identified by commemorative plaque schemes
Criterion Description:
Age: The age of an asset may be an important criterion and the age range can be adjusted to take into account distinctive local characteristics
Rarity: Appropriate for all assets, as judged against local characteristics Group value Groupings of assets with a clear visual, design or historic relationship
Evidential value: The significance of a local heritage asset of any kind may be enhanced by a significant contemporary or historic written record
Age and Historic association: The significance of a local heritage asset of any kind may be enhanced by a significant historical association of local or national note, including links to important local figures
Archival Interest: The significance of a local heritage Asset of any kind may be enhanced by a significant historic written record.
Archaeological interest:This may be an appropriate reason to designate a locally significant asset on the grounds of archaeological interest if the evidence base is sufficiently compelling and if a distinct area can be identified
Cultural landscapes: Relating to the interest attached to locally important designed landscapes, parks and gardens
Landmark status: An asset with strong communal or historical associations, or because it has especially striking aesthetic value, may be singled out as a landmark within the local scene
Social and communal History: Relating to places perceived as a source of local identity, distinctiveness, social interaction and coherence; often residing in intangible aspects of heritage contributing to the “collective memory” of a place
Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames:
The borough archives indicate ‘Buildings of Townscape Merit’ were finally considered as important assets back in the 1980’s, and a list of buildings was included in the Borough-wide Local Plan 1989 and Unitary Development Plan (UDP) 1992.
The records and criteria for designation were minimal at that time. UDP Policy UD7 stated:
The council will identify individual buildings and groups of buildings of special Townscape Merit whose preservation will be encouraged by:
a) Encouraging the owners of those buildings to maintain, repair and restore them
b) Bringing to the attention of the department of the environment any building which appears to merit inclusion on the statutory list of buildings of special architectural or historic interest.
The list of buildings has grown over the years as agreed through the various committees and is still relevant today. The Growth Committee March 2018 confirmed the most recent criteria for designation (September 2015), and updated the designation from Building of Townscape Merit to Locally Listed Building.
These can be viewed on the council’s Heritage map.
We have used the current criteria from the Growth Committee March 2018 update to recommend new additions to that list.
The borough council uses Historic England’s guidelines for Local Heritage Listing as advised in Note 7 to:
• Recognise the quality of the borough’s built heritage
• Recognise the contribution this heritage makes to the landscape and built environment
• Protect this heritage for future generations.
When deciding a building or structure is considered for local listing status, they will look to see if:
1. Any building, not statutorily listed, which can be proved to date from before 1840. 2. Selected buildings, not statutorily listed, dating from between 1840-1939 of definite quality and character. These are assessed by whether a building comes under one or more of the following categories:
i. was included as Grade III on the former statutory list;
ii. retains a substantial proportion of original features;
iii. has group value;
iv. has association with well known characters or events;
v. displays special value within a certain type or illustrates social, economic or industrial history (e.g. railway stations, schools, alms houses etc.)
vi. by reason of its appropriateness to the site and interrelationship with other buildings makes a contribution to the landscape.
3. Post 1939 buildings, not statutorily listed, which are exceptionally good examples of the architectural output of the period and/or are the work of principal architects.
4. Any building, not statutorily listed and regardless of its date, that demonstrates building materials or methods or external decorative features that are of special interest due to their rarity or to demonstrating local character.
Current Heritage Assets in North Kingston
The North Kingston Neighbourhood Area currently has 37 listed buildings or blocks of buildings. The North Kingston Forum proposes those currently listed be maintained as heritage assets, and recommend a further 8 buildings for consideration.
North Kingston – current Locally Listed Buildings
1. Retaining Wall Brunswick Court, Lower Ham Rd, KT2 5SR
2. The Albany Boat House, 92 Lower Ham Rd, KT2 5BB
3. 91-93 Richmond Rd, KT2 5BP
4. 74-84 Richmond Rd, KT2 5EL
5. Kingston College, 55-59 Richmond Rd, KT2 5BP
6. The Pottery Public House, 20 Park Rd, KT2 6BE
7. 300-308 Kings Rd, KT2 5JL
8. 314-320 Kings Rd, KT2 5JL
9. 19-21 Tudor Rd, KT2 6AS
10. 35 Queens Rd, KT2 7SL
11. 1-13 Park Rd, KT2 6BX
12. 16 Clifton Rd, KT2 6PW
13. 9-19 Kingston Hill, KT2 7PW
14. Norbiton Station, Coombe Rd, KT2 7QE
North Kingston Forum recommendations for new Locally Listed Buildings which will preserve and enhance the character of the neighbourhood:
15. The Kingston Academy (main building), Richmond Rd, KT2 5PE 16.162 - 174 Tudor Drive, including the Parade and Cardinal Public House 17.St Luke’s Vicarage, 4 Burton Rd, KT2 5TE
18.Latchmere School (main building), Latchmere Rd, KT2 5TT
19.Dysart Estate Historic Wall, 102-110 Lower Ham Rd
20.18-22 Clifton Rd, KT2 6PH
21.Queens Head Public House, 144 Richmond Rd, KT2 5HA
22.Wych Elm Public House, 93 Elm Rd, KT2 6HT
The location of the existing and nominated Locally Listed Buildings are viewed in the map at the end of this document.
Also within the North Kingston Forum designated area are the following Grade II listed buildings and War Memorials:
I. The Cottage and garden walls, 30 Dukes Ave, KT2 5QY
II. Church of St Luke, Gibbon Rd, KT2 6AB
III. Former Regal Cinema, 22-30 Richmond Rd, KT2 5ED
IV. Former Sopwith Aviation Co. Factory, Canbury Park Rd
V. Former Hawker Aircraft Experimental Shop, Siddeley House, 50 Canbury Park Rd, KT2 6LX
VI. Park Works Fire Watcher’s Post and former refuge and staff facilities, 18-20 Borough Rd, KT2 6BD
VII. The Gatehouse (or Keep) and attached walls and railings at Kingston Barracks, Kings Rd, KT2 5UF
VIII. Roman Catholic Church of St Agatha, Wyndham Rd, KT2 5JR IX. Church of St Paul, Queens Rd, KT2 7SF
X. Garden wall and gate piers to Vicarage, Vicarage End and to church of St Paul, Queens Rd, KT2 7SF
XI. The Vicarage and Vicarage End, 33a Queens Rd, KT2 7SF
XII. Kingston Hill War Memorial, St Paul’s Church, Queens Rd, KT2 7SF XIII. Brass plaque with accompanying figure of Christ glorified through suffering, St Luke’s Church, Gibbon Rd, KT2 6AB
XIV. Plaque on stone of remembrance dedicated to those killed in a V2 bombing, 22nd January 1945. Park Rd, Kingston.
These are noted and recognised as important heritage assets in this document but not described further. More information on the Borough-Wide Grade II listing can be found on the council and Historic England websites:
North Kingston Forum – Recommendations for new Locally Listed Buildings
Locally Listed Building # 15
Name: The Kingston Academy (former Tiffin Girls School)
Address/location: Richmond Rd, KT2 5PE
Current list status: unlisted
A fine example of local inter-war architecture, thought to be designed by Surrey County Council’s County Architects department. This building opened as The Tiffin Girls School in 1937, after campaigning for better facilities and moving from the original school site in Fairfield (now St Joseph’s RC primary school). By 1987 the school had outgrown this site and ‘moved next door’ to the former Rivermead School’s site.
From 1987 until 2015, the site was referred to as The North Kingston Centre and used for adult education purposes. In 1995 approval for part of the land to be used for the erection of a Primary and Nursery school was given (Fernhill Primary School). The Kingston Academy co-educational secondary free school was established in 2015 on the site. A 2018 Ofsted inspection classified the school as an Outstanding Provider.
Due to the higher numbers of local children transferring from local North Kingston primary schools in September 2020 and 2021, Kingston Educational Trust has agreed to provide additional 30 places in year 7 for each of these intakes and will increase the published admission number from 180 to 210.
Famous Alumnae that attended the Tiffin Girls School whilst on this site include, Lynne Truss-popular author of “Eats, Shoots and Leaves”, Alison Cooper until recently CEO Imperial Brands, Elspeth Attwooll-former MEP for Scotland. The site adjoins two other local schools, Fernhill Primary School and The Tiffin Girls School. Together these 3 schools are part of a wider and recognisable streetscape leading into Kingston Town Centre from Richmond.
Locally Listed Building # 16
Name: The Cardinal Public House and Tudor Parade shops
Address/location: 162 - 174 Tudor Drive
Current list status: unlisted

It is thought that the architect was Joseph Hill the designer of many of Hodgson’s houses during that period, built as part of the inter-war movement of improvements to drinking establishments as described in the extract from “Brewery History”:
“Brewers began building improved pubs immediately following World War I. .....certain features made them easily distinguishable from pre-war beerhouses and pubs: vast size, absence of advertisements pro-claiming the sale of specific beers, few entrances, opaque windows and (where space permitted) spacious pull-ups and gardens.
In planning the construction of improved pubs, brewers employed the most expensive building materials and, for the first time, the country’s leading architects as designers. Basil Oliver, E.B. Musmen and Joseph Hill were but three of the most distinguished architects who undertook numerous commissions for Greene, King & Sons, Benskins’ Watford Brewery and Hodgson’s Kingston Brewery respectively. They helped make Tudor architecture popular in the 1920s and Georgian in the 1930s....... ..... Inside, the Victorian vogues since mid-century for numerous compartments, ‘gin-palace plate glass windows and embossed or
back-painted mirrors abruptly ended, and lengthy bar counters were shortened.... It was the addition of specific function rooms, however, that most differentiated pre- from post-war pubs. Customers got dining rooms and a beer quality cuisine. At the most refined, the food rivaled that served in London’s West End, scarcely surprising given brewers’ penchant for poaching the capital’s leading chefs.”
Hodgson’s were taken over by Courage in 1943 who ran the public House until 1965. The Cardinal is an important local landmark and its design features many of the characteristics of a 1930’s public House. The buildings architecture of simple, well ordered red brick facades with clay tile roof is very typical of this period and certainly worth preserving. Its setting is unique; situated opposite the library, a less distinguished agglomerations of buildings, the pub defines the corner of Hollybush and Tudor Drive with its angled plan. Its position in the town plan and the area creates a node in the Tudor estate plan, and a central point of interest. Together with the parade of shops (which also has the typical detailing from the time, albeit not helped by clumsy advertising currently) it forms a mini town centre in the 1930’s style. The town plan would suffer without this.

Locally Listed Building # 17
Name: St Luke’s Vicarage
Address/location: 4 Burton Rd, KT2 5TE
Current list status: unlisted

The vicarage was likely built around 1888 as indicated on the council’s building control database. Likely designed by Edward Birchall and John Kelly who also designed the Church of St Luke and built by a local building firm W.H. Gaze.
The church and vicarage were built to serve the railway workers whose houses form the surrounding streets. Their locations are diagonally opposite each other at the junction of Burton Road and Gibbon Road and are perfectly balanced with respect to the surrounding streetscape impact in this suburban townscape of low level terraced and detached villas. The church spire, endowed and enhanced by funding from Lady Wolverton, is a key Landmark and can be viewed from many local points in the area.
The wife of the first vicar (George Isaac Swinnerton) was well connected and received sponsorship from many society figures including Princess Mary Adelaide to facilitate the build.
The house is a large detached red brick building with many of the original external and internal features intact. The roof gables have a lattice brickwork pattern, which is very attractive and draws the eye. There is a fine porch to the entrance, which very much compliments the rest of the street frontage.
The large garden acts as a very important community Hub. Church based and local community events are held throughout the year. The garden is also a place for relaxation and contemplation and is well landscaped with a number of mature trees and is very much a wildlife garden that has also been nominated as a Local Green Space in the North Kingston Neighbourhood Plan.

Locally Listed Building # 18
Name: Latchmere School
Address/location: Latchmere Rd, KT2 5TT
Current list status: unlisted

During the early years of the 1930’s the idea of building a school in the north of the borough was discussed and put off several times until in 1935 it was finally decided to go ahead with building a new school. Work started later in the year and in August 1936, Latchmere Road School opened its doors to pupils for the first time, in the shape of the building that we came to think of as Latchmere Junior School. The school was built to hold four hundred pupils.
The school held its official opening in October 1936, with the Mayor of Kingston cutting the ribbon. One year later, the numbers in the school had grown so much that the school had to be extended in 1937 and so the section of the building that became Latchmere Infant school was born. Latchmere Road School was known as The Latchmere Road Schools by 1938.
The design of the school has its main facade facing Latchmere Rec and is designed in a vernacular Tudor style. It is mainly one storey, and the volumes of the junior school are centred on a quadrangle, which allows daylight to all classrooms.
Its setting is unique opposite the Latchmere Recreation ground, and forms a landmark in the area, and a unifying “facade to the Recreation ground itself. It is a defining part of the Tudor Estate town plan.
In 2012 Latchmere School converted to an Academy and is a member of the Latchmere Multi Academy Trust leading in the Latchmere Teaching School Alliance. The School has a specialist-resourced provision for pupils with Autism. The 2019 Ofsted report indicates Good overall effectiveness with outstanding personal development, behaviour and welfare.
Jacqueline Wilson, writer and author of the popular Tracy Beaker childrens books, is a famous alumna of the school. She spent most of her childhood in Kingston upon Thames where she attended Latchmere Primary School. She wrote her first ‘novel’ at the age of 9 whilst still a pupil at the school.

Locally Listed Building # 19
Name: Dysart Estate Historic Wall
Address/location: 102-110 Lower Ham Rd
Current list status: unlisted

Within the Riverside North Conservation Area (CA 25). The wall the end of an extensive kitchen garden to the magnificent Nash designed ‘Point Pleasant’ mansion later to be called Bank Grove. The house was built in 1797 and was set in extensive grounds landscaped by Humphrey Repton that had a quarter mile river front. Surrey Heritage says that the Ham Tithe map of 1841 shows there was a mound along the garden on the line of what became the East side of the walled garden.
In 1847 the owner Sir John Delves Broughton died. According to London Parks and Garden Trust, the new owner William Byam Martin set about developing the grounds ‘with walks, rose gardens, a peach house and vineries’. William Keane records the splendour of this work in ‘The beauties of Surrey’ in 1849. He writes of a new gardener’s cottage behind with glass houses and a kitchen garden. These can be clearly seen on the 1869 Ordnance Survey map. It is likely that the walled garden was built at the same time as the gardener’s cottage and glasshouses between 1847-1849.

Locally Listed Building # 20
Name: 18-22
Address/location: Clifton Road, KT2 6PH
Current list status: unlisted

Within the Park Road Conservation Area (CA15). Nos. 18, 20 and 22, built in 1898 by architects Macpherson and Bradley of Chelsea, are a departure from the prevailing late-Victorian house-types in the area; they are in red brick rather than stocks, with heavy deep pediments (arched over the windows, triangular at the gable) and both sash and casement fenestration with a keyed oculus in the gables. They form a distinctive group (named Ethelred, Alfraeda and Ethelbert in relief over their windows) and no. 20 retains its original form, including a small brick side extension, in contrast to the unattractive garage and carport of the other two. No 24 is a less unusual design, and the featureless redbrick forecourt has not provided a flattering setting. (Extract from the Park Road Conservation Area Appraisal)

Locally Listed Building # 21
Name: The Queens head Public House
Address/location: 144 Richmond Rd, KT2 5HA
Current list status: unlisted

The Queens Head Public House is a late Victorian building. There is no record of the building in the local Ordnance Survey (National Library of Scotland on line) map Surrey VI 1867-1868, but it is clear from the Surrey VI.16 map of 1895 that the whole area was by this time built up including the Queens Head site that was recorded as a Public House.
The building is of red brick with ornate trellis design in the gables and underneath the window ledge. The windows are likely of original design. There is a coach house/stable associated with the main building and built at the same time.
Whilst there is very little garden space at the back, the Richmond Rd and Windsor Rd road frontage is well maintained. In 2006 a single storey glazed colonnade with glass pergola was erected to facilitate external seating with colourful planters. The pub sign is still evident and in good condition. The original front doors were approved to be reinstated by Kingston council in 2001, and it is likely the windows are still the original design.
Some internal alterations have occurred over the years. In 2016 Fullers purchased the site and a planning application was approved to turn the public house into a ‘pub with rooms’ providing 10 much needed hotel rooms ancillary to the primary use as an A4 Public House.
The Queens Head holds a prominent position in the Richmond Road North local centre streetscape and is an attractive and important heritage asset.

Locally Listed Building # 22
Name: The Wych Elm Public House
Address/location: 93 Elm Rd, KT2 6HT
Current list status: unlisted

The Wych Elm public House is a local asset in many senses of the word in this quiet residential area. This a traditional Public House with a warm, welcoming and homely feel. There are two main bars with a removable divider and different areas are created due to sympathetic extensions over the years.
Notable features are the attractive green-banded windows signifying its Charringtons heritage.
It is understood the site was developed in1882 and became part of the Charringtons portfolio until 1980 when it stood empty for two years. Charrington’s produced a gallery of historic images of its properties, including the Wych elm Public House, and these form part of the National Brewery Heritage Trust Collection.
In 1982 Fullers purchased the site and returned the Public House back to full grandeur with the help of publicans Manuel and Janet Turnes. In 2014, a new Publican took up the mantle and continues with that same ethos today. The interior truly reflects local history with walls adorned with framed photographs illustrating Kingston’s glory days of aviation history (Sopwith’s factory was just down the road) alongside other local heros Eadweard Muybridge, RC Sherriff, Nipper the HMV dog and HG Wells.
The public House is a prominent feature in the streetscape with an historic pub sign. It has a late Victorian visual quality with attractive spring and summer planting. Much of the original exterior remains, although the first-floor windows have been replaced.

The name reflects the street location and the fact that this tree species has been planted locally. The Wych elm is now acknowledged as the only indisputable British native elm species.
There is no record of the building in the local Ordnance Survey (National Library of Scotland on line) map Surrey VI 1867-1868, but it is clearly seen from the Surrey VI.16 map of 1895 that the whole area was by this time built up including the Wych elm site that was recorded as a Public House.